Dave Guide: Customer Relationship (Part 2)
Hello guys and gals, see you thought about me and I am here. 🙂 No !!! oops that means I was away for much longer…… 😉
In my earlier one I spoke about being in touch with your customers, “YES”, you have to keep that process on continues, never fail to be attentive and receptive.
At times you would feel you have had enough, (“Does this mean you stop talking to your wife”, “Hey man if I do this; I am mentally tortured by my wife 🙁 , sssssh please don’t tell my wife”).
So I spoke about meeting customers every now and then in my earlier stint:
Next step is Talk what best you can do or what you love to, talk to customers about technology that are being used as of today. What is best for their organization.
Explore your ideas, design and present them to your customers to be able sell. (Man all this above stuff is to sell). “Sometime I have to sell myself to my kids, just to get away or get something worked out of them ;), you don’t know them literally) “
Q: Have you ever tried to come up with your own Wish List?
A: Yes you did that, but remember that was only for you and only for your near and dear “If you care about them”.
Come up with Customer Wish List:
So When you meet and talk to customer remember to listen to their wish list, if they do not have one make sure you come up with wish list that will benefit them. “My wife creates wish list every time before we move out for shopping, thinking we will spend wisely. But you know what she forgets to carry this wish list with her. Then same old story OOPS FORGOT TO BRING IN WISH LIST, DON’T WORRY I KNOW WHAT I WANT”. “I do believe her in that, do you think I have any options :(”
Customer and you have to build wish list to make sure you believe in each other.
Make them Happy:
Make sure you make them feel proud, make happy, try to help them in areas they wish to excel. “So I do the same to my wife, whatever she does I make her happy buying what she wishes, this same goes with my son, he is most demanding person in the world without any end to his demands’, Ya I know he is growing”.
Same goes with customer as and how customer grows their demand as well grows, he have to address those demands and make them happy.
Q: How do you feel when you are respected?
A: Its amazing, you feel you hold some position to get respect. My wife always feels she is in commanding position. If I forget to she reminds me!!! naaaw just kidding. Ok which sentence would you believe; only married people would answer correct one.
Respect your customer:
Whether you like it or not, whether your job says to do or not, one thing is for sure that you have to respect your customers. They are the backbone of your professional career, they are the influencer for your output. “As always said Give respect to get back”. Respect is not only to make sure you always listen. But you have to say something that you feel that would help customer’s Organization from crisis/issues.
Yes you come again sorry man couldn’t hear you, Oh ok got it, example of my family on the above. “See let me tell you one thing, examples are plenty, but make sure they don’t reach my family, specially my Wife:
I respect my wife; do you think I have any option? 😉 My kids do respect me, do you think they have any options? 😉 But it doesn’t mean I or they do not do in turn, its always give and take.
So always remember customers are not only one-time family, you have to manage them as your professional family. Customers will always be there when you feel low professionally. Same as family when you are low in personal life they always stand for you.
Summarized points:
Talk to customer:
Come up with customers wish list:
Make your customers happy:
Respect them:
Let me know your thoughts…..