June 25th, 2015 by sdave

Cloud ! “While I was kid for me and for “my kid as of now” Cloud means big cotton flying in the air, when it becomes stale (Black) it will rain”. Those cloud travel from one place to another, identifying location to release. Actual cloud is again a service provider of water in the form of rain. (Finally I got this example)

  • Cloud service providers are like a Bank operator, Electricity Board and Farmers….
  • Cloud services are created, operated and managed by principals, they are best at it, they know our requirements.
  • They have backend think tank, (working day and night) they make sure all services provided are in operations without any issues and secured too.
  • They provide generic standards and we (Consumers) are the owners of our own data. We define policies on Who, When, How and What data will be accessible.
  • This is similar to the locker system in bank, we have the key and other key is with the custodian. What information we store it, how we store, what do we do with that information is non of the concern of the custodian.

(Believe me your top secret & personal information is already on cloud in terms of online Storage, Email. Believe it or not today even the unborn baby data is on the cloud)

Company or personal data on cloud is similar to below examples we incorporate within our daily routine.

1. Bank: (Money on cloud)
Have you ever thought what does bank account mean?

You store your money (Company or personal) at one location and use it as and when required anywhere and in any form (Online Banking, Debit Card, Cheque, Credit Card, Loan, Investment etc…)

Imagine you deposited money in a bank, now you are transacting using any form, how does money travel? “Has any one from your bank took those money and deposited to recipient bank account?”, “absolutely no way”.

You do online transaction what does that mean? You are using cloud to transact using your credentials. You are assured that money transacted is securely transferred.

You do not create your own banking account or site to operate, there are people and team who knows about the process and procedures and you rely on them.

2. Electricity (Power on Cloud)
You use electricity at your home, office, clubs, etc…where does it come from?

It is again cloud based distribution – pay per use, apart from that you don’t see. It travels using Transformers, cables, switches etc. You use this electricity using different forms (Lights, Fans, Refrigerators, TV, etc…)

You pay for the same and don’t argue with the providers as it is important integral part of your life style.You manage and operate this utility as per your needs and make sure you protect it. You don’t  misuse it because you know everyone needs it and is not in abundance.

You do not generate on your own that is been done my the people or team who knows how to generate, operate and deliver. You as a end user rely on them so do their job efficiently.

3. Grains (Food on Cloud)
You buy raw food for cooking, “Have meals 3 times a day, to keep yourself fit and fine”, did you every knew the following before buying raw food:

Farmer, Agent, Warehouse, Type of Delivery, Reseller and finally your kitchen. Kitchen is as well a cloud based shelf, you store ingredients and use as and when required.

You tend not to waste food but still “you know well”. You buy as required, store only if required, you use only the amount of food required, you protect food so can be used for future.

This way you do not tend to grow food your self (Some do, but limited to hobby). That effort is been done by someone who good at it. They make sure the final delivery that we get it to our kitchen is good for health.

Still you feel Cloud is not secured?

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